The 2015 Low Energy Community Meeting was held in East Lansing Michigan on the Campus of Michigan State University.
The community meeting program began on Friday morning, August 21st, and continued until noon Saturday, August 22nd. The meeting was preceded by a one-day workshop on science opportunities with ReA6-12 and an evening workshop no AIRIS at ATLAS on Thursday, August 20. The ReA3 upgrade workshop will serve as the kickoff for a whitepaper outlining the science opportunities at the ReA facility. A GRETINA workshop on Saturday afternoon followed the Community Meeting. On Friday evening, August 21, there was an HRS mini-workshop.
The Low-Energy Community Meeting provided and will provide in the future an excellent opportunity for nuclear scientists to interact and discuss future plans, initiatives, and facilities. Many working group meetings are attached to the community meeting.
If you have suggestions for future meetings please contact anyone on the organizing committee.